A Middle Begin

A Middle Begin

There were flowers, butterflies and trees.
Endless flowers all kinds of colours.
A beautiful sky and I am standing in sunshine of trees.
A silent wind is blowing my mind
and I am just smiling, I am just smiling.

Because there is a middle begin
because of me.
An ending with a Begin
and a Beginning without an Ending.

And It Is All : Because of Me!
I am just Happy as Can Be : I am Petra Cecilia Maria Hermans
Religious Female Leader for The Religion of Blue Circle !


Netherlands, July 24, 2016
Babaji, Michael Ende, The Archangel Gabriel and Jan Goossens


To serve Earth


Photograph : Petra Hermans

To serve Earth

It is sure
I was once committed
to my Task.

It is simple.
A Future.
For the next Generation.

I know that I will always be Protected.
Because I serve the best I can.

Amen, Petra Cecilia Maria Hermans
First female spiritual leader for a better world and world peace

Because of Babaji
Dedicated to Eternal Love and Life

Vrede 2

Petra Cecilia Maria Hermans


Petra Cecilia Maria Hermans
De stilte heeft vaak geen antwoord nodig.

Mijn houding is waardig om internationaal een neutrale boodschap
uit te dragen van liefde, vrede en
universeel begrip in de hele mensheid.
Als posities veranderen naar gelang
de geestesgesteldheid!
Het vroeg, om een stille en toegewijde geest
die gedachtegoed laat uitwaaien in alle richtingen van de wind!

Al, viel binnen 1 Systeem.
Edoch, één viel buiten een Geheel.
Mijn vocabulaire begint met de ‘A’ van “Alpha”
en eindigt met de ‘O’ van “Omega”.
Ik droeg alle verantwoording die 1 persoon kon dragen.
Mijn houding is de Tijd.
In de kleine dingen toont zich de meester.
Mijn werk zal niet gedateerd raken.
De tijd zal op mijn werk, gedateerd raken.

I made a good Statement.
I understand why I came here for.
I just serve in the way I am raised.
It is okay for me when I just finish my Job.
It has all Been Given by God.

What’s in a name?
What’s in a rose?
When love has become stronger

than one name of a rose.

An egg is the symbol of love.

A statement is a statement.

A gracious grace is not obliged
to make an appeal to a conscience.

As a civilian of the world,
I defended the right of the universe.

My gentle hands offered everything.
I have won my Story.
It belongs my name, forever and ever!

Time is and time will be.
A good author cannot appreciate admiration.
I do not need one single word.

A heart only beats once.
Never twice.

I served
all Circles of Circles
within my Circle.

I am a white Light.
My Light has become whiter
than white.
The purest whitest Light.

Beauty of a soul has never been seen.
Not even by the body.

Grateful I am.
I am Time.

First female spiritual leader Petra Cecilia Maria Hermans
for A Better World, World Peace
Silence in every human head and heart
It’s a name.
It’s a fairytale.

The Netherlands, Nuenen
July 4, 2016

Thank you, ECCO / NELSON, Eindhoven!
(Rechtestraat 15)

A reason is there, why I ‘changed’ my first and last name,
into my complete names on social media.
Michael Andreas Helmut Ende – Die unendliche Geschichte (1979),
I was Born, at the city of Tilburg, December 6, 1972.
A day which will never be forgotten, by God and all his good Angels.

I have become more than the elements of trees.

© 2016 Petra Hermans



